The China Connection will lead you to take a look at how China's growth as a world power has already affected Missourians, and what we should expect for the future. It focuses on Missouri-China links in three areas: economy, education and culture.The China Connection is a production of the Reynolds Journalism Institute and KBIA. This multimedia reporting project is produced by reporters Chenfei Zhang, Eva Dou and Rachel Rice.

Missouri teacher sees China through eyes of a Chinese family

Barbara Leonhard, 60, is an instructor in the Intensive English Program and English-language Support Program at MU. In fall of 2008, she met her Chinese student Brandon Du, who practices Tai Chi. Because of their common interests in Tai Chi, they spent a lot of time together. In 2009, Leonhard visited China after being invited by Du’s family.

Here, she described that experience:

Brandon Du’s father is now teaching Tai Chi in Columbia. Click here to see his story.

This story is part of The China Connection a multimedia project exploring various economic, educational and cultural links between Missouri and China.

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