Segment 1: The fact and fiction of mass shootings.
Last week's shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, highlighted misconceptions when it comes to these tragedies. Is there a profile of a mass shooter, can red flag and gun laws reduce the number of incidents and are all the perpetrators mentally ill? Three Guns & America reporters discussed what they have discovered in covering the firearms issues in this country.
- Chris Haxel, Guns & America reporter, KCUR
- Adhiti Bandlamudi, Guns & America reporter, WUNC
- Leigh Paterson, Guns & America reporter, KUNC
Segment 2, beginning at 22:51: Former residents react to El Paso shooting
Twenty-two people were killed in the Texas border town last weekend. It was reported that the shooter targeted the Hispanic community. Two members of the Kansas City Latino community addressed this latest attack in the long history of bias against Mexicans in this country.
- Sandra Enriquez, assistant professor of history, University of Missouri - Kansas City
- Vicky Diaz-Comacho, community reporter, Flatland KC
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