City Council Approves 2020 Budget

Meiying Wu

The Columbia City Council approved its annual budget for fiscal year 2020 Monday night after its fourth hearing. The budget’s projected revenue is $455.6 million and total spending is $484.9 million.

The council heard and adopted 10 additional amendments before voting 6-0 on the finalized budget. Councilmember Ian Thomas was not present. The amendments included appropriating $148,667 of state revenues from Missouri Department of Transportation to a Columbia Regional Airport reconstruction project, and accepting a grant for additional fire fighters

During the Sept. 3 meeting, the city council heard and decided on over 132 amendments to the budget. City Manager John Glasock said tying up some of the loose ends in the budget is important no matter how long it may take.

“I know it’s been extraordinarily long process for amendments but cleaning up a lot of items and trying to get everything in the budget, it’s been a long time, I understand,” Glasock said.

Mayor Brian Treece thanked Glasock and the finance, budget, and department directors for all the time and effort that went into preparing the budget.

“I know what we see in the last four weeks is nothing compared to what you’ve done in the last six months, and you’re probably going to get started on next year’s budget tomorrow, even as we speak. But this will keep the lights on for a while,” Treece said.

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