From the Heartland to the Hudson
Make your voice heard!
6-8 p.m. Oct. 6
Moberly Area Community College, Steffes Conference Room, 101 College Avenue, Moberly, MO 65270
The Missouri School of Journalism and KBIA invite Randolph County citizens to a community outreach project that we believe will amplify the voices of the Midwest.
The project, organized by Internews Interactive, a California-based media nonprofit, partners radio reporters from Missouri School of Journalism with reporters recruited by the Columbia School of Journalism to serve as “News Ambassadors” to two communities: Moberly, Missouri and Brooklyn, New York.
In Missouri, the project will launch with a town hall meeting on Oct. 6 from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. in the Moberly Area Community College’s Steffes Conference room. We’re interested in hearing your opinions on political and social issues and your personal experiences of everyday life in Moberly. We’ll be there to hear what you think is important. Afterwards, our journalists will return to the community for more reporting and interviews.
Each reporting team will then do a story on their communities, focusing on differences and similarities between Flatbush and Moberly. The stories will be shared with the two communities so they can learn about each other. Then, through the reporters, each community will have a chance to question the other — about concerns, beliefs, and hopes. The reporters will follow up with an additional set of stories about their findings.
These stories will air in mid-Missouri, we will pitch them to air nationally on National Public Radio.
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