Views of the News: Newt Attacks Media, Twitter Censorship, Apple in China, iReport

Newt's Love/Hate Relationship with the Media

John Ellis, Buzzfeed: "Big Media Is About To Pull The Plug On Newt Gingrich"

Dana Milbank, The Washington Post: "The Media (heart) Newt Gingrich"

Jack Shafer, Reuters: "Newt Gingrich and the fine art of press-bashing"

Twitter Censorship

Lee Moran, London Daily Mail: "Twitter sparks free speech fury by announcing it will censor messages country-by-country"

Josh Chin and Kersten Zhang, The Wall Street Journal: "In China, Twitter Wins New Fans Over Censorship"

Josh Catone, Mashable: "Relax: Twitter's New Censorship Policy Is Actually Good for Activists"

Michelle Quinn, Politico: "New Twitter censorship policy a challenge for global firms"

NYT Documents Apple Labor Practices in China

Charles Duhigg and Keith Bradsher, The New York Times: "The iEconomy: How the U.S. Lost Out on iPhone Work"

Charles Duhigg and David Barboza, The New York Times: "The iEconomy: In China, Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad"

Mark Walsh, Online Media Daily: "Online Efforts Slam Apple Over China Facilities"

Dan Lyons, The Daily Beast: "Apple's Deal With the Devil"

Tim Worstall, Forbes: "The Apple Boycott: People Are Spouting Nonsense about Chinese Manufacturing"

Vetting Citizen Journalists

Craig Silverman, "How CNN's iReport verifies its citizen content"

CNN's iReport site (see especially Assignments, Community Guidelines & Story Telling Toolkit)

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MIKE MCKEAN directs the Futures Lab, the experimental newsroom and technology testing center of the Reynolds Journalism Institute. He founded the School's Convergence Journalism program and serves on the MU Information Technology Committee. McKean is a leader in the School's partnerships with Apple, Inc., and Adobe Systems to transform journalism education through pervasive computing. He is a frequent trainer and guest lecturer at top media companies and universities in China, has helped establish convergence journalism programs at Shantou University and Moscow State University, and has conducted Internet workshops in the United States, the Russian Federation and Albania. McKean has been honored with the William T. Kemper Fellowship for Excellence in Teaching and the MU Faculty-Alumni Award. He earned a bachelor's degree at the Missouri School of Journalism in 1979 and a master of arts in political science from Rice University in 1985. McKean has served on the J-School faculty since 1986.