The hunter is being the hunted. Donald Trump is still the clear GOP front runner, at least according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. But, that same poll suggests six in ten Americans think Trump is not qualified to hold the job. Still, he's getting a ton of media coverage. Is he too rich to ignore?
Gabriel Arana, Huffington Post: “Even the CNN staff is sick of the wall-to-wall Trump coverage”
Madison Jaros & Ryan Struyk, ABC News: "Conservative super PAC declares war on Donald Trump"
Adam Edelman, New York Daily News: "Fiorina uses Trump 'face' barb in new positive campaign ad"
Weather Channel enters stormy period
The Weather Channel is moving away from reality television shows and returning to... weather.
Brian Steinberg, Variety: “Weather Channel cuts shows, personnel, in stormy operating climate”
Eric Holthaus, Slate: “Weather Channel revamp: Analytics and meteorological science trumps reality television”
Tribulations at Los Angeles Times, Tribune
Big cuts are also taking place at the Los Angeles Times -- up to 80 full-time positions accounting for as much as $10 million. The Times is now half as big as it was not all that long ago.
Jim Warren, Poynter: "Los Angeles Times making big cuts, may not be alone at Tribune"
Ricardo Burton, Digiday: "Two-thirds of Wired's revenue is digital, and brand content is why"
Washington Post video play isn't knocking off TV
The Washington Post is dumping its three live, daily online programs... and rethinking its video strategy.
WashPostPR, Washignton Post: “The Washington Post unveils new ‘Washington Post Video’”
Shan Wang, Nieman Journalism Lab: “In revamping its video strategy, The Washington Post steers clear of imitating tv”
Jeremy Barr, POLITICO: “The Washington Post rebrands its video operation”
Rachel Raudenbush, Digiday: “How the Washington Post is pivoting its video strategy”
Fair Use challenged in YouTube video case
A court ruling this week may change how companies and individuals handle Fair Use.
Joe Mullin, Law & Disorder: "Appeals court strikes a blow for Fair Use in long-awaited copyright ruling"
Twitter offers campaign donations
Brian Fung, Washington Post: "Now you can donate to political campaigns -- on Twitter"