Views Preview: Charlie Sheen Speaks Out About Being HIV Positive

via Flickr user Joella Marano

Actor Charlie Sheen revealed he is HIV positive during an appearance on the Today Show on Tuesday. He told Matt Lauer he was speaking out now to try and end a smear campaign against him... and to end the stigma associated with the virus. 

Eun Kyung Kim, TODAY: “Charlie Sheen reveals he’s HIV positive in TODAY Show exclusive

Chris Ariens, TV Newser: “Charlie Sheen talks with Matt Lauer about being HIV-positive

Emily Steel, New York Times: “Charlie Sheen says he has H.I.V. and has paid millions to keep diagnosis secret

Daniel D’Addario, Time: “Charlie Sheen’s Today interview was uncomfortable television

Brian Lowry, Variety: "Charlie Sheen's HIV reveal turns entertainment journalism into circus"

Nigel M. Smith, The Guardian: "Charlie Sheen: HIV disclosure is latest chapter in a troubled life story"

Jill Serjeant, Reuters: "Actor Charlie Sheen admits he is HIV positive to stop blackmail"

Paris terror attacks

John Koblin, New York Times: “Media scrambles to cover Paris shootings

Joe Pompeo, POLITICO Media: “Media, here and abroad, mobilize to quickly cover Paris attacks

Erik Wemple, Washington Post: “CNN anchor blames French Muslims for failure to prevent attacks

CNN: "Colbert and Maher address terror attacks"

Erin Chack, BuzzFeed: “I was in the audience of ‘The Late Show’ when Colbert broke the news about Paris

David Weigel, Washington Post: “One man’s hard lesson after the Eiffel Tower’s darkness was mistaken for a moving tribute

Vindu Goel and Sydney Ember, New York Times: “As Paris terror attacks unfolded, social media tools offered help in crisis

Cat Zakrzewski, TechCrunch: “Facebook says it will enable Safety Check during more human disasters, following criticism

Ahiza Garcia, Hope King and Frank Pallotta, CNN: “The social media search for survivors of the Paris terror attacks

Martin Belam, “’You won’t read bout this in the media, but…

Michael Calderone, Huffington Post: “CNN reporter asks Obama: ‘Why can’t we take out these bastards?

A parent's nightmare

Fox News Channel's Geraldo Rivera's daughter, Simone, was at the soccer game at the time of the attacks.

Sadie Gennis, TV Guide: “GeraldoRivera breaks down cryingover daughter's escape from Paris terror attack

Fox News: “GeraldoRivera to retrieve daughter from Paris

Mark Joyella, TV Newser: “GeraldoRivera flies to Paristo be with daughter

Credit Guimel Sibingo / KBIA

Change at the University of Missouri

Rudi Keller, Columbia Daily Tribune: “Protests tarnished university’s image in state, poll shows

Associated Press: “Lt. Gov. criticizes MU protests: ‘Enough of the slander’

Benjamin Schwartz, The New Yorker: "Daily Cartoon: Thursday, November 12 'Freedom of Speech Debate'"

‘The Hunting Ground’

CNN will air the documentary, The Hunting Ground Sunday evening. It's a gritty look at the state of sexual assault on college campuses. But, some law professors at Harvard University say the film's advocacy mission trumps its accuracy.

CNN: “THE HUNTING GROUND premieres on CNN in November

Emily Yoffe, Slate: “The Hunting Ground: A closer look at the influential documentary reveals the filmmakers put advocacy ahead of accuracy

Michael Shammas, The Harvard Law Record: “19 Harvard Law professors defend law student Brandon Winston, denouncing his portrayal in ‘The Hunting Ground’

Letter to the Editor, HALT: The Harvard Law Record: “A defense of The Hunting Ground and other non-legal advocacy

Alex Morey, FIRE: “Harvard professors denounce ‘The Hunting Ground’ as ‘misleading’"

Rebecca McGee, Vox Magazine: “The Hunting Ground comes to Columbia

Timoshanae Wellmaker, Columbia Missourian: “’The Hunting Ground’ documentary could spark discussion about rape on campus

Emily Gallion, The Maneater: “’The Hunting Ground’ draws attention to sexual assault on college campuses

Credit via Flickr user Heather Cowper

Anne Frank's copyright

The foundation that owns the European copyright to The Diary of Anne Frank announced it is adding her father, Otto Frank, as an author. The move will extend the copyright until 2050.

Doreen Carvajal, New York Times: “Anne Frank’s diary gains ‘co-author’ in copyright move

Martin Bryant, The Next Web: “Anne Frank ‘copyright hack’ is bad for humanity

Rick Falkvinge, Torrent Freak: “Anne Frank scandal: An underreported copyright abuse

Cory Doctorow, BoingBoing: “Copyfraud: Anne Frank Foundation claims father was “co-author,” extends copyright by decades

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AMY SIMONS teaches news literacy, multimedia journalism and advanced social media strategies.