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Discover Nature: Quail Covey Calls

In the half-hour before dawn, listen for the clear, loud song of Missouri’s native quail species, the Northern bobwhite, and watch for their excited eruptions from their nests on the ground on fall nature hikes. ";

This week on Discover Nature, listen for the clear, loud calls of ground-dwelling birds just before dawn.


Missouri’s native quail – Northern bobwhite live in groups of 5-30 birds, called coveys, from autumn to spring. 


Northern bobwhite are streaked or mottled reddish-brown and white, with a gray tail. Males have a distinctive dark brown cap and face. Their camouflaged colors help protect them from their many predators including foxes, coyotes, racoons, hawks, owls, and snakes. 


These birds are primarily seedeaters, but they also help eliminate many undesirable weeds and insects. In winter acorns and pine seeds become important food sources. 


Northern bobwhite are still fairly common statewide in grasslands, shrubby pastures, hedgerows, and woodland edges. However, populations have declined in recent decades primarily due to habitat loss and unfavorable weather during winter and nesting season. 


Listen for the early-morning song of these native quail and watch for their excited eruptions on fall nature hikes. 


Learn more about Missouri’s native quail and find great places to hike where you’re likely to see these popular gamebirds with the Missouri Department of Conservation’s online field guide


Discover Nature is sponsored by the Missouri Department of Conservation.

Kyle Felling was born in the rugged northwest Missouri hamlet of St. Joseph (where the Pony Express began and Jesse James ended). Inspired from a young age by the spirit of the early settlers who used St. Joseph as an embarkation point in their journey westward, Kyle developed the heart of an explorer and yearned to leave for adventures of his own. Perhaps as a result of attending John Glenn elementary school, young Kyle dreamed of becoming an astronaut, but was disheartened when someone told him that astronauts had to be good at math. He also considered being a tow truck driver, and like the heroes of his favorite childhood television shows (The A-Team and The Incredible Hulk) he saw himself traveling the country, helping people in trouble and getting into wacky adventures. He still harbors that dream.
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