The City of Columbia and Boone County are collaborating to help landlords make their properties environmentally friendly without spiking the rent.
The city of Columbia and Boone County unveiled a housing study ahead of a housing summit Thursday.
Welcome Inn, a transformative project that is restoring an old hotel into an affordable housing complex, was recently awarded $850,000 from the Boone County Commission.
Central Missouri Community Action is now managing the federal Housing Choice Voucher Program.
Advocates say the anti-discrimination law — which bans landlords from denying tenants based solely on their source of income, credit score or previous evictions — will open up more housing options for thousands of renters.
Eviction filings wedge renters deeper into housing situations that are often already limited or unstable — even when they don't result in the loss of a physical home.
The City of Columbia hosted its first Affordable Housing Summit on Thursday with a keynote focused on missing middle housing. The term refers to…
When it comes to providing accessible, affordable housing to those who need it, RANDY COLE says "there's no silver bullet." There's a lot to look at, a…
Republican U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri is pushing for federal investigations into uninhabitable conditions at some public housing serving mostly…
Fourth Ward Councilman Ian Thomas has been charged with a misdemeanor after negotiating a quid pro quo with two developers last year, Cole County…