The Columbia CROP Hunger Walk returns for its 29th year on Sunday, September 15. Proceeds from this long-running fundraiser benefit a handful of local non-profits that work to curb food shortages in our community. This year canned food donations are welcome at the walk! Guests: Don Harter and Linda Reed Brown September 3, 2024
Walk alone, walk with a friend or walk with a team - whatever you do, just don't miss out on participating in this year's CROP Hunger Walk event supporting Church World Service. Helen Robinson and Don Harter tell us everything we need to know on today's show! June 20, 2024
Three dozen artists painting any number of works over a three-day period in one town. That's pretty much the gist of Columbia Art League's annual plein air event happening this weekend in Rocheport. Reception and showcase to follow! Guest: KELSEY HAMMOND | Also, we're less than a week away from the Columbia CROP Hunger Walk! GREG THACKERY tells us everything we need to know, including the monetary goal they hope to reach from this year's event. Joining Greg is DON HARTER. Don is taking the walk one step further (pun intended) by walking across the entire state of Missouri. Find out why! (3:53) September 11, 2023
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Missouri's "biggest fundraiser of the year," Countdown to Kickoff, is changing locations this year. Marketing director ADAM BRIETZKE tells us about the move to Midway Golf & Games, how much they hope to raise, and how you can get involved! Also, BARRY LEWIS and ALVIN COBBINS, Fifth Street Christian Church, encourage everyone to sign up now for the 28th annual CROP Hunger Walk, which will take place this September at Stephens Lake Park in Columbia! (4:06) July 7, 2023
Halloween is still over a month away, but with a show like 'Dracula: The Musical', Capital City Productions isn't wasting any time getting into the spirit of the holiday. Actors MURPHY WARD and NATALIE BESSETTE tell us about the show, which will open next month and feature live music from The Jefferson City Symphony Orchestra - get your tickets now! Also, the 27th annual CROP Hunger Walk - back, once again, at Stephens Lake Park - is just five days away, but it's still not too late to register! GREG THACKERY tells us how. 'Together, let's walk 300 miles'. (4:13) September 13, 2022
The Columbia CROP Hunger Walk returns in September! It's because of the CROP Walk that Russell Chapel Food Pantry, for example, can provide for those who struggle to put a meal on the table each day. Guests: LETITA DenHARTOG and TYLISHA JOHNSON | Also, don't miss this year's Fayette Festival of the Arts, returning to the square on July 30! Sure, there's music, food, art, and more, but CONNIE SHAY wants you to set aside extra time to peruse the quilts at the Peacemakers Quilt Show. (3:33) July 7, 2022
This year's CROP Hunger Walk returns to its regular in-person experience that was sidelined in 2020. Volunteers EDITH PRINCE and LINDA REED BROWN join us to encourage everyone to sign up as either an individual or a team. Help end hunger 'one step at a time'! Also, YVETTE CHAMBERS introduces us to ParentLink and its mission of connecting families to resources in the community, something they've been doing since 1989! (4:11) September 10, 2021
"This is the first time a living relative (of a president) is portraying their famous relative." That living relative is none other than Clifton Daniel, grandson of President Harry Truman. His one-man show, 'Give 'Em Hell, Harry', is coming to Capital City Productions for four performances only beginning July 15! Guest: ROB CROUSE | Also, EDITH PRINCE and BRAD BOYD-KENNEDY tell us why everyone should register for this year's Columbia CROP Hunger Walk (as either a team or an individual)! The walk itself is happening in September. (4:19) July 12, 2021
With a goal of $20,000, this year's Columbia CROP Hunger Walk needs all the financial support it can find! As CLEO KOTTWITZ says, "just walking is fun,…
Today Paul Pepper visits with HEATHER CARVER, Director of MU Theatre Department's 15th annual Life and Literature Performance Series, September 13-15 at…