Paul Pepper: Emily Edgington Andrews and Joy Powell, Choral Arts Alliance & Dayna Glanz, OsteoStrongEnjoy an evening of music by Stephen Sondheim next Saturday at Christian Fellowship Church in Columbia. EMILY EDGINGTON ANDREWS and JOY POWELL are here with more about this joint concert from Columbia Chorale and MU Theatre Department, and about the scholarship that will benefit from funds raised! Also, DAYNA GLANZ tells us about OsteoStrong's "very safe way" to build bone density, and if it matters that you step away from treatments for a period of time. (3:46) April 18, 2023
Choral Arts Alliance of Missouri (CAAM) artistic director EMILY EDGINGTON ANDREWS invites everyone to the 7th annual Unity concert (honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) next weekend in Columbia! Also, grab your fellow Parrothead(s) and come to Jefferson City for an evening of Jimmy Buffett's 'Escape to Margaritaville' at Capital City Productions. Tickets are going fast! Guests: T.J. RICHARDSON and KEVIN MAUK, co-directors February 2, 2023
Downtown Columbia (a.k.a. The District) is getting into the spirit of the season starting this Saturday with the return of horse-drawn carriage rides! The Broadway Columbia general manager ARIC JARVIS has details on this fun, festive and free experience for the whole family. Also, if you're in the mood for some 'awe-inspiring' music, look no further than this weekend's Columbia Chorale 'For Here Is Rest' concert. Guest: EMILY EDGINGTON ANDREWS, conductor (4:12) November 2, 2022
Paul Pepper: CB Chastain, Veterinary Health Center, "Pet Food Recalls" & CAAM's "It Takes a Village"MU Veterinary Health Center's CB CHASTAIN on the recent pet food recalls: "what I think is a lot more concerning is a more common problem where bacteria…
Today Paul Pepper visits with SID POPEJOY about 'Bike to the Future,' an organization that provides used bicycles to citizens of Columbia who don't…