As high food prices are on the minds of many Americans, the need for food assistance is as well. KBIA’s Rebecca Smith has the story of one local effort that’s working to meet this need and give dignity to people along the way.
The service center supports Sedalia residents on multiple fronts.
Rock the Community is offering a free hot meal, gifts and some basic supplies on Wednesday, Nov. 22.
Jars of peanut butter and packets of veggie chili mix sit on metal shelves in a white room, ready to be picked up by hungry University of Missouri…
I make it a practice never to turn down free food and drink, so when Jeff Chinn invited me to a program this week at the new Barred Owl restaurant, I…
In the U.S., one in six people struggles with hunger. Food pantries across the country pass out food to help these people put meals on the table. But what…
For the Ivy Bend Food Pantry in southern Morgan County, the facility has been a long time coming.Since acting President Melvin Byrd started working with…
A Macon county community food pantry is set to open up shop in a new spot Tuesday. The larger space for Macon County Ministries Emergency Food Pantry and…
Regional news coverage from the KBIA newsroom, including:Governor Nixon extends farmers declarationMU students partner with food pantryChronic wasting…
This week, a food pantry that’s trying to offer healthier food to low-income families. Plus, an MU researcher tells us how quitting smoking may make you a…