"This show is rife with scandal, good women, bad women, rumors...lots of fun, lots of comedy and an amazing cast." -- Morgan Dennehy, director. Oscar Wilde's Lady Windermere's Fan opens next weekend at Maplewood Barn Theatre in Columbia! August 22, 2024
'The Importance of Being Earnest' is "thought to be Oscar Wilde's best work," and it's opening this Thursday at Maplewood Barn Theatre in Columbia! Guests: MORGAN DENNEHY, director, and TERRY SCHOONOVER, actor | Also, ELIZABETH JORDHEIM invites everyone to an art exhibit that's on display now through the end of July at Serendipity Salon and Gallery in Columbia. The twist: proceeds benefit Ukrainian relief and aid. (4:33) July 19, 2022
Today Paul Pepper and STEVE DULLE, 2015-16 Rotary Club District Governor, talk about the "Food Fight," which was a joint effort with The Food Bank for…