For the past two years, DR. TOMOTAROH GRANZIER-NAKAJIMA and DR. RAMON MARTINEZ, III, have been instrumental in giving Missouri State Legislators 'science notes', or two-page, comprehensive briefs that provide all the information they need to know in order to make an informed decision. Their efforts are a result of a two-year, post-doctoral fellowship with MOST Policy Initiative that has now come to an end. May 16, 2023
MOST Policy Initiative has had a busy month so far getting to know Missouri's new group of legislators! Executive director BRITTANY WHITLEY shares with us some of the most common questions her team gets as they go door-to-door trying to break the ice in the capitol building. Also, those red kettles may be put away, but the fundraising continues for The Salvation Army. MAJOR KEVIN CEDERVALL tells us what happens if they don't make their goal of $475,000 by the end of this month. (4:50) January 19, 2023
MOST Policy Initiative has been providing "non-partisan research information" to the Missouri General Assembly for a good couple of years now. Executive director BRITTANY WHITLEY, PhD, takes us back to the beginning, back to when three graduate students at the University of Missouri had this idea share what they know with those who are in a position to make a difference. September 28, 2022
Survey says...MOST Policy Initiative IS effective! Executive director BRITTANY WHITLEY, PhD, takes us behind the results that have both republicans and democrats (finally!) agreeing on something we can all get behind: non-partisan research information! Also, LAUREN WILLIAMS introduces us to DBRL's latest One Read winner, 'The Big Door Prize' by M.O. Walsh, and all the events that go along with it happening throughout the month of September!
"So, I think one our important roles is...trying to diffuse and make things a little less personal and a little less one-side-versus-the-other where possible. One of our real successes is anytime we hear a legislator on the floor speaking to their colleagues...refer to a fact or figure that we know was something that we provided them. I think we feel, procedurally, that that is a healthier place to be discussing what is out there in the research ecosystem." -- JOSH MUELLER, PhD, deputy director, MOST Policy Initiative June 28, 2022
"We're not making these huge, kind of wave changes, but really just trying to get people to think a little more about the 'how' they get to these solutions." -- BRITTANY WHITLEY on MOST Policy Initiative's role in a lawmaker's decision-making process. You, too, have access to MOST's research. Brittany explains where to find it on today's show. April 6, 2022
If you're familiar with any entry in 'The War of the Worlds' lineage (the book, the radio broadcast, the movie...), then you have a general idea of what you're going to get when you go see MU Theatre Department's stage version of H.G. Wells' sci-fi classic, but there's still more to the story, according to assistant director LES GRAY! Also, BRITTANY WHITLEY is back with good news: MOST Policy Initiative is making a real impact in Jefferson City. "1 in 3 lawmakers know who we are and have asked us for information, in both parties." (4:20) March 8, 2022
The 2022 Legislative Session is underway in Jefferson City. Today's guest, BRITTANY WHITLEY, PhD, tells us that the MOST Policy Initiative fellows are wasting no time in being "honest brokers of [science] information." Also, retired nurse practitioner DAYNA GLANZ tells us about the many ways in which OsteoStrong can help those who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. (4:26) January 31, 2022
MOST Policy Initiative's BRITTANY WHITLEY introduces us to LSEN, or Local Science Engagement Network, an outreach arm of MOST that encourages people in the community (that care about science) to establish a dialogue with their local and state lawmakers. Plus, get details on an upcoming virtual event about food deserts. Also, with cold weather on the way, Carpet One Floor and Home's SCOTT BRADLEY shares a high-tech way to keep your feet warm while walking around your house. (4:36) October 28, 2021
MOST Policy Initiative, a non-partisan group that brings together scientists with policymakers, wants to see you at their next event in which they'll be discussing 'Urban Heat Islands'. Find out when and where..and why! Guest: BRITTANY WHITLEY | Also, Broadway Christian Church's annual Blessing of the Beasts returns after taking a year off (due to the pandemic). Organizer MICHELLE MARSHALL invites those with or without pets to attend this "very special" service. (3:55) September 17, 2021