Renovation work on the State Capitol building in Jefferson City begins next week.The Jefferson City News-Tribune reports the nearly $29 million project is…
The contents of a time capsule sealed inside the Missouri Capitol are seeing the light of day for the first time in 100 years. The copper box was...
Governor Nixon is expected to approve a plan for roughly $300 million in bonds to repair state buildings. Nixon is scheduled to sign the package of bills…
Regional news coverage from the KBIA News room, including:Gov. Nixon urges lawmakers to pass various pieces of legislation.Legislators approve measure…
A bill proposing to aid Missouri colleges and universities may not as helpful as originally thought.The legislature proposed a bill that matches funds…
Two rallies in Jefferson City today each called for the repeal of the 2010 Affordable Care Act and for employers to have the right to not provide coverage for birth control. Several hundred people attended the rally held at the State Capitol, led by several religious leaders. Maggie Karner with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod told the crowd that President Obama’s birth control mandate is an attack on religious freedom. “This debate is simply about us being forced to pay for products and services that are contrary to our religious beliefs, and we cannot be expected to check our faith at the door," Karner said.
Missouri lawmakers have left Jefferson City for their annual spring break. House leaders touted their first-half accomplishments while downplaying…
Regional news coverage from the KBIA newsroom, including:A Cole County judge rules Missouri science investment bill unconstitutionalA potentially…
Missouri Republican lawmakers and Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon appear headed for a debate over workplace discrimination laws and a requirement to show a…