Missourians Voice Opinions on State Concealed Carry Bill

Meiying Wu / KBIA

After receiving initial approval in the state Senate earlier this month, the debate over concealed carry filled a hearing room Thursday morning.

A bill before the Senate surrounding concealed carry in places including college campuses drew passionate testimony from citizens across the state.

House Bill 575 would prohibit any institution of higher education from banning concealed carry of weapons on campus.

Several individuals testified in opposition to the bill, bringing up issues including the increase of gun-related suicides and the added stress for students if guns were allowed on campus.

One Jefferson City resident expressed her opposition to the bill because of a family tragedy.

“My sister-in-law in 2002 was one of three professors that was killed by a gentleman. He was a student failing classes. He went in to campus with five guns, 250 rounds of ammunition, and he shot all three professors point blank several times,” she said.

Although the shooting occurred in Arizona, she said she feared something similar would happen on a college campus in Missouri.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Dean Dorhman, R-La Monte, said concealed carry would help women protect themselves while walking alone at night.

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