Tax Cut Proposal Passes Mo. House Committee; Testimony Heard On Tax Credit Package

Tax cuts and tax credits were the center of attention at hearings conducted by two Missouri House committees Tuesday night.

First, the House Ways and Means Committee approved this year’s attempt to cut taxes.  House Bill 1253, or the Broad-Based Tax Relief Act of 2014, would tie the state’s income tax rate for business owners to economic growth, dropping the tax rate by 10 percent each year if certain conditions are met, with the ultimate goal of cutting taxes by 50 percent. 

State Rep. T.J. Berry, R-Kearny, the bill's sponsor, also sponsored last year’s failed tax cut proposal.  He was not present for the vote but is on record as saying his bill addresses concerns voiced by Gov. Jay Nixon, who vetoed last year’s bill and led a successful effort to block a legislative override vote last fall.  This year, Nixon has decried any renewed efforts to cut income tax rates, calling them a threat to public education.

The Broad-Based Tax Relief Act was approved on a 9-to-6 vote that fell along party lines.  Prior to the vote, Democrats on the committee offered amendments, including one to require voter approval for the tax cut to become law.  None made it onto the bill.  State Rep. Rory Ellinger, D-University City, suggested that cutting taxes would be unwise, especially since Democrats and Republicans don’t even agree on how large the state budget should be.

“In fact, we have two budgets floating around, the budget the governor has proposed, which is millions more, and then (the Republican-controlled) Budget Committee, saying in effect we’re millions short,” Ellinger said.  “What’s the end result if you have a big surplus or the extra money the governor has promised will go to education?”

House Bill 1253 now goes to the House Rules Committee where it is also expected to pass, and then it would go before the full House for its first round of debates.

Meanwhile, a few doors down, the House Economic Development Committee heard testimony on this year’s attempt to pass a wide-ranging tax credit package.  House Bill 1498 contains proposals on numerous tax credit programs, including historic preservation, low-income housing, land assemblage and data storage centers.  Bill Gamble, a lobbyist representing Kansas City, told the committee that creating incentives to lure data centers would benefit the entire state as well.

“We have the territory, we have the caves, we have the low energy costs, (but) we don’t have the incentives to compete with other states,” Gamble said.  “We have lost business to other states because we can’t compete, we do not have the incentives.”

Gamble also urged the committee to create the Angel Investment Incentive Act, in which wealthy individuals, or “angels,” would provide seed money for high tech start-up companies.

The bill would also shrink the cap on historic preservation incentives from $140 million a year down to $90 million for projects costing over $275,000.  Incentives to build housing for the poor would be capped at $130 million on July 1, 2015. It would then shrink each year down to $110 million by July 1, 2019.

House bill 1498 would also revive the "distressed areas land assemblage" tax credit.  It would be redefined to include engineering, site and redevelopment planning, and it would expand coverage of maintenance costs from five years to 12.  St. Louis developer Paul McKee attended Tuesday’s hearing but did not testify.  Last year he sought to have the program extended to draw an additional $50 million for his North Side Regeneration Project.  He had already received $41 million in incentives.

Only a few people testified against the bill, citing concerns over capping incentives for low income housing and historic preservation.  James Farrell from St. Louis-based Policy Solutions spoke against the smaller historic preservation cap.

“Alot of small communities utilize this tax credit,” Farrell said.  “It’s sometimes one of the few tax credits that they can use in revitalizing their Main Streets or town squares.”

Some Republicans on the committee were surprised and upset that Missouri Right to Life spoke against the proposed Angel Investment Incentive Act.  The group’s legislative liaison, Susan Klein, told the committee that as written, the angel investment tax credit would open the door to using public money to fund human cloning and embryonic stem cell research.

“There is bioscience (mentioned) in angel (investment) tax credits,” Klein said.  “All we’re asking for is one sentence of protective language that has been consistent with what this legislative body has done (in the past).”

That sparked sharp criticism from state Rep. Noel Torpey, R-Independence.

“I’m wondering why this year you have a problem with it, but last year you did not,” Torpey asked Klein.  “Last year, eight times out of the House, not a word (from Missouri Right to Life), and now the first time we bring it up (this year) you’re against it, and it happens to be an election cycle.”

Klein disagreed, saying they changed their position on the bill from “neutral” to “opposed” after their lawyers conducted more research on the bill’s language.

A vote on the omnibus tax credit bill will be held later.  Last year’s tax credit measure failed on the last day of the 2013 session, as did a similar bill in 2011.

Follow Marshall Griffin on Twitter:  @MarshallGReport

Copyright 2021 St. Louis Public Radio. To see more, visit St. Louis Public Radio.

The Mo. House Economic Development Committee hears testimony on HB1498, this year's omnibus tax credit bill.
Marshall Griffin/St. Louis Public Radio /

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Missouri Public Radio State House Reporter Marshall Griffin is a proud alumnus of the University of Mississippi (a.k.a., Ole Miss), and has been in radio for over 20 years, starting out as a deejay. His big break in news came when the first President Bush ordered the invasion of Panama in 1989. Marshall was working the graveyard shift at a rock station, and began ripping news bulletins off the old AP teletype and reading updates between songs. From there on, his radio career turned toward news reporting and anchoring. In 1999, he became the capital bureau chief for Florida's Radio Networks, and in 2003 he became News Director at WFSU-FM/Florida Public Radio. During his time in Tallahassee he covered seven legislative sessions, Governor Jeb Bush's administration, four hurricanes, the Terri Schiavo saga, and the 2000 presidential recount. Before coming to Missouri, he enjoyed a brief stint in the Blue Ridge Mountains, reporting and anchoring for WWNC-AM in Asheville, North Carolina. Marshall lives in Jefferson City with his wife, Julie, their dogs, Max and Mason, and their cat, Honey.
Marshall Griffin
St. Louis Public Radio State House Reporter Marshall Griffin is a native of Mississippi and proud alumnus of Ole Miss (welcome to the SEC, Mizzou!). He has been in radio for over 20 years, starting out as a deejay. His big break in news came when the first President Bush ordered the invasion of Panama in 1989. Marshall was working the graveyard shift at a rock station, and began ripping news bulletins off an old AP teletype and reading updates between songs. From there on, his radio career turned toward news reporting and anchoring. In 1999, he became the capital bureau chief for Florida's Radio Networks, and in 2003 he became News Director at WFSU-FM/Florida Public Radio. During his time in Tallahassee he covered seven legislative sessions, Governor Jeb Bush's administration, four hurricanes, the Terri Schiavo saga, and the 2000 presidential recount. Before coming to Missouri, he enjoyed a brief stint in the Blue Ridge Mountains, reporting and anchoring for WWNC-AM in Asheville, North Carolina. Marshall lives in Jefferson City with his wife, Julie, their dogs, Max and Liberty Belle, and their cat, Honey.
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