This week on Discover Nature, watch – and listen – for a tiny, feathered pollinator that sings with its wings.
Ruby throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) display metallic green feathers on their upper backs, and males sport a ruby red patch at their throat.
Common across Missouri from April to October, other hummingbirds who nested farther north have already begun their fall migration and are arriving in Missouri – making now a great time to see their numbers peak here.
As these birds head home for the winter, some will fly nonstop over the Gulf of Mexico to reach destinations as far away as South America.
Ruby throated hummingbirds are important for many plant species that require a long-billed pollinator for reproduction. As they hover and hum, with wings beating about 53 times per second, it’s hard to find a bird more delightful and fascinating to watch.
Learn more about ruby throated hummingbirds with the Missouri Department of Conservation’s online Field Guide.
Discover Nature is sponsored by the Missouri Department of Conservation.