Columbia residents have until the end of this month to pick a roll cart size for the automated curbside waste collection that begins in March.
Residents should pick their preferred cart size by Oct. 31. The city is offering 35-gallon, 65-gallon and 95-gallon carts. If residents don’t pick a cart size by that date, they will automatically receive a 65-gallon cart.
Residents who choose the 65-gallon option will pay $17.37 a month for trash collection, the same amount as the current fee for residential customers who pay for curbside trash collection.
The 35-gallon carts cost $12.87 a month, and the 95-gallon carts cost $22.50 a month.
Columbia residents will receive a postcard explaining the new roll carts this week. On the back of each postcard is a verification code, which can be used to log into the website residents will use to choose their desired cart size. Residents can also choose a size by calling the City Contact Center at 573-874-2489.
Roll carts of each size are on display at the Daniel Boone City Building through the end of the month for the public to view.
Once carts are delivered to residents, they can then exchange their cart for a different size.