Our focus this week is on China and the restrictions it places on the media inside the country, and how it affects not only journalists but Internet users. From the Great Firewall to denying visas to critical foreign journalists, what is the future of freedom of expression in the world’s most populous country?
Joining us to discuss:
Liao Jibo, deputy director of China International Radio's English service:
"The question is not whether or not the government should [have Internet restrictions], it's rather how it can do it. Blocking is not a very smart way."
Felicia Sonmez, Beijing-based correspondent for Agence France-Presse:
"Every year foreign journalists in China have got to reapply for their permission to stay in the country...a lot of times journalists here will have their visa issuance dependent on what topics they covered that year."
William Nee, China human rights researcher for Amnesty International:
"Especially since Xi Jinping has come to power in the last two years, there are more and more ideological restrictions, restrictions on the Internet, restrictions in movies and academia, and it seems like there is an across-the-board tightening."