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Views Preview: Pushback on NYT Exclusives

The New York Times has had to walk back its story on a "criminal" probe of Hillary Clinton's private email server while the paper is vigorously defending another of its exclusives...on abuses in the nail salon industry.  The first Republican presidential debate is only a week away.  Some wonder whether all the scrambling to meet the Fox News criteria for inclusion is worth the trouble.  More bad news for the newspaper business: major layoffs and poor performance with minority employment.  Media companies are embracing a new revenue source that raises ethical questions.  And research shows "visual" news sites are more successful.

  The New York Times' Loss May Not be Hillary's Gain

Kurt Eichenwald, Newsweek: "How The New York Times Bungled the Hillary Clinton Emails Story"

Margaret Sullivan, New York Times Public Editor: "Clinton Story Fraught With Inaccuracies: How It Happened and What Next?"

The New York Times: "Editor's Note: Clinton Email Coverage"

Michael Calderone and Sam Stein, The Huffington Post: "New York Times Corrects Explosive Hillary Clinton Email Story Amid Campaign Pushback"

Rem Rieder, USA Today: "Times' flawed Clinton story shows need to explain errors"

Guy Benson, Townhall.com: "Meet the Press Anchor: Hillary's Favorability 'Dismal,' Email Probe 'Incredibly Significant'"

Howard Kurtz, Fox News: "Hillary camp rips NY Times, but email story still dogs her"

Big Battle Over Salon Story

Richard Bernstein, The New York Review of Books: "What the 'Times' Got Wrong About Nail Salons"

Paul Farhi, Washington Post: "Former New York Times journalist challenges paper's series on nail salons"

Anna Merlan, Jezebel: "Man Who Co-Owns Nail Salons Thinks They're Just Great, So"

Dean Baquet, Wendell Jamieson and Michael Luo, The New York Times: "Rebuttal to The NYRB's Article on NYT Nail Salon Series"

Felix Salmon, Fusion: "Why you can't trust journalism"

On the Debate Stage: Who Decides and Does It Matter?

Katie Glueck, Politico: "The GOP's battle for 10th place"

Jonathan Easley, The Hill: "Two weeks to go: Republicans scramble to make debate stage"

Seema Mehta, The Los Angeles Times: "What's behind the frenzy of stunts, accusations among GOP candidates? The Aug. 6 debate"

Chuck Sweeney, Rockford (IL) Register Star: "Here's a better presidential candidate debate method for GOP, Fox"

David Bauder, AP: "Trump dominates nightly news on election, study shows"

Job Stats: Can It Get Worse for Newspapers?

Ken Doctor, NiemanLab: "Newsonomics: The halving of America's daily newsrooms"

American Society of News Editors: "2015 Census"

Bob Papper, Radio Television Digital News Association: "Research: Minority numbers slide, women make gains"

Alex T. Williams, Columbia Journalism Review: "Why aren't there more minority journalists?"

Publishers Flock to Native Advertising

Rachel Raudenbush, Digiday: "How Politico crafts branded content with a political agenda"

Emma Bazilian, AdWeek: "Conde Nast's New In-House Native Ad Studio Debuts Its First Campaign"

Dino Grandoni, The New York Times: "Ads for Podcasts Test the Line Between Story and Sponsor"

Damaris Colhoun, Columbia Journalism Review: "Disguising ads as stories"

Sarah Sluis, Ad Exchanger: "FTC: Publishers Will Be Held Responsible For Misleading Native Ads"

Ted Karczewski, Skyword: "Learning to Love Native Advertising: The State of the Media Industry in 2015"

Homepage Layout Matters

Natalie Jomini Stroud, Alex Curry, Arielle Cardona and Cynthia Peacock, Engaging News Project: "Online News Presentation"

MIKE MCKEAN directs the Futures Lab, the experimental newsroom and technology testing center of the Reynolds Journalism Institute. He founded the School's Convergence Journalism program and serves on the MU Information Technology Committee. McKean is a leader in the School's partnerships with Apple, Inc., and Adobe Systems to transform journalism education through pervasive computing. He is a frequent trainer and guest lecturer at top media companies and universities in China, has helped establish convergence journalism programs at Shantou University and Moscow State University, and has conducted Internet workshops in the United States, the Russian Federation and Albania. McKean has been honored with the William T. Kemper Fellowship for Excellence in Teaching and the MU Faculty-Alumni Award. He earned a bachelor's degree at the Missouri School of Journalism in 1979 and a master of arts in political science from Rice University in 1985. McKean has served on the J-School faculty since 1986.