An historic preservation consultant will conduct an architectural inventory in Moberly this winter. Ruth Keenoy of Keenoy Preservation says Moberly received a grant from Missouri’s State Historic Preservation Office for preservation work. Moberly chose Keenoy and Terri Foley, another consultant, to do the work. The project includes a survey of properties to determine whether they could be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Keenoy said an individual property’s eligibility depends on certain guidelines.
“Generally, buildings have to be 50 years old, but not always,” Keenoy said. “They might be important for something that happened less than 50 years ago that would make them eligible for the National Register.”
Keenoy said buildings could get tax credits by being included in the Register. Moberly’s historic district is already listed to the National Register of Historic Places, and the project also includes a resurvey of that district.
Raldolph County Historical Society board member Joe Barnes said there could be advantages to buildings being in the National Register.
“It could bring people here, and considering tourism’s a major industry in this state, the more that we can have people coming in here to look at these various sites, the better,” Barnes said.
Barnes said he believes the architectural inventory could lead to future developments including more plans for tourism and advertisement.