Many Missouri state employees will have today off for Truman Day. Meantime, the anniversary of a landmark day of his presidency.
A wreath will be laid on the grave of former President Harry Truman to mark the 70th anniversary of the fall of Nazi Germany. Truman succeeded Franklin Roosevelt as president and led the U.S. during the closing days of World War Two.
He is buried with his wife in the courtyard of his presidential library in Independence. Besides Friday's graveside remembrance, festivities at Truman's library will also include a military band performance. There also will be speeches, including one from a World War II veteran who served with General George Patton. A
fter the allies accepted the Nazi's surrender, it was several more months before the war with Japan ended. The Japanese surrender came in August of 1945 after Truman ordered atomic bombs to be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.