It might be the most cringeworthy video to go viral this year. Why did the news staff at WTOL-TV produce a hype video for the Toledo Public Schools? And, how might it compromise the staff’s reporting efforts in the future?
Staff, WTOL: “It’s time to spill the tea on WTOL’s cringe-worthy video”
Staff, Toledo Blade: “WTOL video meant to encourage students goes viral, then is removed”
Allyson Chiu, Washington Post: “’Weather’s going to be turnt, right?’: A new team’s experiment in teen slang left viewers ‘cringing’”
Salvador Hernandez, Buzzfeed: “Local news anchors in Ohio decided to use teen lingo and it went about how you’d expect”
Kirk Baird, Toledo Blade: “Twitter twits ruin fun WTOL video”
Biden’s ‘expressions of affection’
Lucy Flores, The Cut: “An awkward kiss changed how I saw Joe Biden”
Stephanie Carter, Medium: “The #MeToo story that wasn’t me”
Quint Forgey, POLITICO: “Ex-Defense secretary’s wife says photo of her with Biden is misleadingbiden”
Nausicaa Renner, Columbia Journalism Review: “Flores, Biden, and deciding what’s newsworthy”
Paul Farhi, Washington Post: “Amid the cycles of outrage, a strategy emerges: Just ride it out.”
Releasing the Mueller Report
Josh Gerstein, POLITICO: “Press group asks judge to lift grand jury secrecy in Mueller report”
Jerrold L. Nadler, New York Times: “America is done waiting for the Mueller Report”
Brendan Morrow, The Week: “Democrats are preparing to subpoena the full Mueller report”
Jones: ‘A form of psychosis’
Doha Madani, NBC News: “InfoWars’ Alex Jones claims a ‘psychosis’ caused him to question Sandy Hook massacre”
Daniel Politi, Slate: “Infowars host Alex Jones blames ‘a form of psychosis’ for Sandy Hook truther claims”
Sebastian Murdock, HuffPost: “We got Alex Jones’ deposition video. It was a predictable disaster for him.”
Claudia Keorner, BuzzFeed: “Alex Jones blamed a ‘form of psychosis’ for spreading Sandy Hook conspiracies”
Sophie Lewis, CBS News: “InfoWars’ Alex Jones says he had a ‘form of psychosis’ when spreading Sandy Hook conspiracies”
Calling it what it is
Doris Truong, Poynter: “AP Stylebook update: It’s OK to call something racist when it’s racist”
Marina Fang, HuffPost: “Journalists should call something racist when it’s racist, Associated Press says”
Code Switch: “Why some journalists have a hard time saying the word ‘racist’”
Issac J. Bailey, Nieman Reports: “It’s time for journalists to use the ‘R’ word: Racism”
‘Black press only’ at campaign event
Eric Curl, Savannah Morning News: “Two black candidates for Savannah’s mayor attend meeting that bars white reporters”
Shannon Johnson & Stephen Moody, WJCL: “Why only ‘black media’ allowed at community meeting about Savannah mayoral races?”
Joel Shannon, USA Today: “’Black Press Only!’: Political meeting in Georgia turns away journalists based on race, reports say”
Facebook & Apple News+: Game change?
Jim Waterson, The Guardian: “Facebook considers hiring editors to pick quality news for users”
Peter Kafka, ReCode: “Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook may pay publishers to put their stuff in a dedicated news section”
Oliver Darcy, CNN: “Facebook could launch new section of ‘high quality’ news by end of 2019”
Laura Hazard Owen, Nieman Lab: “Facebook is working on a dedicated News tab that may pay publishers licensing fees (or quarantine news where most users won’t find it)”
Nick Statt, The Verge: “One week with Apple News Plus: A messy but good-enough Netflix for magazines”
Joe Pompeo, Vanity Fair: “’Are we at a party, or a wake?’: Journalists wonder if Apple News+ is a trojan horse”
Edmund Lee, New York Times: “Media companies take a big gamble on Apple”
Oscar changes?
Daniel Arkin, NBC: “DOJ to Oscars: Potential new Netflix rules could be an issue”
Trey Williams, The Wrap: “Justice Department warns Academy possible Netflix rule changes could violate antitrust law”