Paul Pepper: Joy Powell, MU Theatre, "Ragtime the Musical" & Adam Saunders, Ag Park Pavilion OpeningThe 50th annual Larry D. Clark Summer Repertory Theatre at MU season is well underway, and the wow factor keeps coming. Opening tonight is 'Ragtime the…
Agriculture Park will officially open this Saturday, weather-permitting, after many years of fundraising and construction! Columbia Center for Urban…
To say this winter has been a challenge is a bit of an understatement. Nobody knows that better than ADAM SAUNDERS, who says the cold weather - and…
The grand opening of Columbia’s agriculture park has been delayed due to cold temperatures.The agriculture park was set to open March 9 at Clary-Shy…
Today Paul Pepper visits with NANCY GRIGGS about the 16th annual Piano Student Showcase. See for yourself 30 local piano students - the youngest of which…