Conflict in the Middle East and elsewhere has fueled a booming trade in looted antiquities from archaeological sites and museums.Millions of dollars worth…
Archeologists now have a new reason to come to MU. As part of a new pilot program, the university is receiving artifacts on loan from the world's oldest…
Turns out that for 7,000 years, snacking on nutsedge may have helped people avoid tooth decay. But at some point, the root it lost its charm. By the 1970s, it was branded "the world's worst weed."
Ecologists in Nebraska are trying to find out what the Great Plains looked like when homesteaders settled there in the 19th century. To do that, they’re…
MU assistant professor of geological sciences James Schiffbauer and his team have found rare 500 year old fossilized embryos in China. Now, they are…
On a blustery day in April, Italian archaeology student Marco Valeri stepped into an archaeological dig at the Cahokia Mounds. He bent down to adjust a…
In an archaeological ceramics class at MU, students are learning how humans in the past made pottery. But about three years ago, anthropology professor…