The Columbia City Council again rejected a proposal to build a new CVS pharmacy at the corner of Providence and Broadway.Last night The Columbia City…
In a relatively short meeting last night, three of seven non-consent agenda items considered by the Columbia City Council pertained to sidewalks, bringing…
On a warm humid Mid-Missouri afternoon, a celebration 175 years in the making was held in City Hall Plaza in direct sunlight. As you looked down eight…
The mayor’s Crime Task Force for Community Violence is reaching out to Columbia residents to discuss solutions for stopping community violence. The task…
Columbia City Council members will receive some compensation for their service, beginning in May.Voters have approved an annual stipend of $6,000 for…
Land northeast of Stadium Boulevard and the Cinnamon Hill Lane, Maguire Boulevard intersection will stay agricultural, at least for now, after a failed…
Columbia City Council members have approved phase one renovations for Douglass Park. The renovations include an outdoor amphitheater, more green space, a…
The Columbia City Council voted to not pass a bill to rezone 1.39 acres on the corner of Providence Road and East Broadway to build a CVS pharmacy Monday…
A new city task force on violence will meet for the second time this week. The group was put together by Mayor Bob McDavid and is looking at ways to…
The Columbia City Council approved a proposal from Mayor Bob McDavid to create a taskforce to look at youth crimes in the city by a vote of six in favor…