The Missouri Senate has given approval to a bill to prevent lawmakers from becoming lobbyists immediately after leaving office.Senators voted 32-2 Monday…
Members of a Missouri House committee say they support changes to the state's ethics laws but further clarification is needed.State representatives…
Some Missouri lawmakers say they plan to make another run at reforming the state's loose ethics laws, but campaign contribution limits probably won't be…
The Missouri Senate has temporarily set aside debate on ethics legislation that would curb lobbying.The bill would make lawmakers wait two years after…
Members of a state House panel agree the state needs to update its ethics law but are divided along party lines on how to do it.At a Tuesday hearing on a…
A Missouri Senate panel is considering legislation that would make legislators wait two years after leaving office to become lobbyists.The measure heard…
Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander has unveiled a wide-ranging ethics proposal he wants lawmakers to take up and pass this year.It includes…
Missouri House Democrats are calling for new ethics legislation after the state Supreme Court rejected much of the most state's most recent version…
Governor Jay Nixon is calling on Missouri lawmakers to pass new ethics legislation after the state Supreme Court threw out a 2010 ethics law.' That law…