If not for the people, the recipients of the many services it provides, the impact that Woodhaven has had on our community over the past 60 (!) years would be immeasurable. CEO Joy Sweeney invites everyone to a planned celebration for their diamond anniversary later in the fall. August 30, 2024
Find out why Dr. Joy Sweeney equates her short tenure as CEO of Woodhaven to "drinking through a firehose." Plus, Woodhaven turns 60 this year! Find out how they plan to celebrate their diamond jubilee. July 2, 2024
Council for Drug Free Youth is known for going into schools and spreading the word about the dangers of drugs and alcohol; they are less-known for going…
If you have unused and/or expired drugs in your home, getting rid of them is not as simple as throwing them in the trash. Council for Drug Free Youth's…
How do you get a teenager who thinks they're invincible and they know it all to listen to you when you say drugs and alcohol are bad? JOY SWEENEY and…
"It rewires their brain so they think they need that drug...and the younger you start, the more likely you are to become addicted to alcohol, to…
Today Paul Pepper visits with JOY SWEENEY, Executive Director of Council for Drug Free Youth, about the latest craze amongst those who participate in…
Today Paul Pepper visits with JOY SWEENEY, Council for Drug Free Youth, about underage drinking during the holidays. If you're planning to host a party,…
Today Paul Pepper welcomes back JOY SWEENEY, Executive Director of Council for Drug Free Youth. Thanks to the efforts of JCCDFY, underage use of marijuana…
Today Paul Pepper welcomes back JOY SWEENEY, Executive Director of Council for Drug Free Youth. Joy has a message for all adults with children during this…