Police in Columbia say they've failed to identify a suspect in a case involving a former University of Missouri swimmer who said she was raped by several…
Title IX and the prevalence of sexual violence on college campuses have been national concerns over the past year. We'll take a look at what inspired…
The University of Missouri has decided to make is Title IX coordinator a full time position. In a press release Monday MU Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin…
While jeans may be worn by students around MU's campus most days of the year, they will have a different meaning on Thursday.April 24 marks Denim Day, a…
The University of Missouri has announced it's hiring the National Center for Higher Education Risk Management to provide a third-party assessment of…
The University of Missouri's new chancellor says he is prepared to make the school "accountable and responsible" after an independent review faulted its…
The University of Missouri System Board of Curators held a press conference Friday afternoon to discuss a report investigating MU's handling of the Sasha…
The University of Missouri System Board of curators held a press conference Friday afternoon to discuss the investigation report on Sasha Menu Courey. The…
University of Missouri officials said Tuesday they have made progress in their safety and security review of campus. The university has completed taking…
The University of Missouri is considering changes to its employee policy for reporting suspected sexual violence amid a flurry of attention to the issue…