Matt Largey
Matt has been a reporter at KUT off and on since 2006. He came to Austin from Boston, then went back for a while--but couldn't stand to be away--so he came back to Austin. Matt grew up in Maine (but hates lobster), and while it might sound hard to believe, he thinks Maine and Texas are remarkably similar.
In Texas, a 2,000 year old Roman sculpture turned up at a Goodwill store. What followed, for one woman, was a years-long effort to learn how it got there and to try to return it to its rightful owner.
Millions lost their jobs to the pandemic and needed to file for unemployment benefits, but met busy lines – including a composer from Austin, who made an album to counteract the vibe.
The 27th Amendment had languished for nearly 200 years before a Texas student made passing it a personal cause. The amendment was ratified 25 years ago this weekend.
For decades, a rare collection of human remains sat in a basement closet at the University of Texas. A new book tells the story of that collection — and the enduring mysteries that surround it.
The way Texans speak, from using words like "y'all" to that old Texas twang, is iconic in American culture. But linguists say the twang is fading — and that, in a few decades, "talking Texan" may sound quite different than it does today.
Though some people have had success landing jobs in recent months, millions of Americans are still out of work. But many older people are finding it particularly difficult to get hired. Some say age discrimination is a key factor working against them.