Véronique LaCapra
Science ReporterVéronique LaCapra first caught the radio bug while writing commentaries for NPR affiliate WAMU in Washington, D.C. After producing her first audio pieces at the Duke Center for Documentary Studies in N.C., she was hooked! She has done ecological research in the Brazilian Pantanal; regulated pesticides for the Environmental Protection Agency in Arlington, Va.; been a freelance writer and volunteer in South Africa; and contributed radio features to the Voice of America in Washington, D.C. She earned a Ph.D. in ecosystem ecology from the University of California in Santa Barbara, and a B.A. in environmental policy and biology from Cornell. LaCapra grew up in Cambridge, Mass., and in her mother’s home town of Auxerre, France.
Depression very early in life can affect the way a child’s brain develops. A new study by researchers at Washington University is the first to link...
The St. Louis region faces a wide range of potential public health crises, including natural disasters like tornados and floods, infectious disease...
Scientists have identified a chemical that could one day be used in eye drops to treat cataracts — potentially eliminating the need for expensive...
There's no barrier between the underground chemical reaction and nearby radioactive waste. Federal, state and local officials disagree about the danger it poses; residents are confused and concerned.
Scientists at Washington University have developed a genetic test that can be used to detect practically any virus known to infect humans. It could be...
The Sierra Club says Ameren's Labadie power plant in Franklin County does not meet state and federal water quality standards and wants it brought into...
New device can inject drugs into the brain — via remote controlScientists at Washington University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed a new tool to study how specific brain cells...
Researchers at Washington University have found that some multidrug resistant bacteria intentionally get rid of the genes that protect them from...
Updated 10 a.m. Tuesday with cost information from Ameren. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against the Obama administration, saying the U.S....
Mary-Dell Chilton pioneered the field of genetic engineering in agriculture. She has spent most of her decades-long career working for Syngenta, where...