A state low-income housing tax credit sought by developers seeking to build affordable housing but often criticized by Missouri officials has resumed…
A bill to remove any penalties for taxpayers who agree to pay back their delinquent taxes will head back to the Missouri house for further review.The bill…
City Manager Mike Matthes is proposing that the city ask voters to approve a property tax increase and to renew the Capital Improvement Sales Tax in order…
A proposed transportation sales tax increase is in jeopardy in the Missouri House because some Democrats are upset about an income tax cut.The…
Boonville tourists may soon spend more money on their visits.That's because the city wants to increase its lodging tax from 4 % to 5 %. That move will add…
The amount of historic preservation tax credits authorized in Missouri has dropped for the fourth consecutive year. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports…
A Republican lawmaker from rural Missouri is calling for a sales tax on violent video games in response to a deadly Connecticut school shooting.Rep. Diane…
The sale of a winning Powerball ticket in northwest Missouri could mean about $10 million in unexpected income tax revenue for the state.A convenience…
Members of a panel created to review Missouri’s tax credits, are leaning towards recommending that the cap on Historic Preservation tax credits be cut…
Regional news from the KBIA newsroom, including:State lawmakers override veto of birth control billMo. lawmakers skip override on sales tax billMissouri…