Though the shops along Sullivant Avenue in Columbus, Ohio had all closed their doors one cold November night, a young woman walked alone down the alley...
New Access To Federal Funds For Syringe Exchange Is Welcome Support For Rural Areas Facing AddictionGiving away drug paraphernalia seemed counterintuitive to Maupin at first, but she’s learned that it’s essential in fighting the spread of disease among…
Heroin continues to be a serious problem throughout the county. The Centers for Disease Control released data earlier this month that showed heroin use…
Heroin use and overdose rates are rising across many demographics, including race, age, gender and income. One former addict, Jude Hassan, works at a St.…
A year ago Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon signed HB 2040 into law, allowing law enforcement officers and certified firefighters to carry and administer naloxone,…
More than 50 heroin traffickers have been arrested for crimes committed in St. Charles County. Most were arrested in a 30-hour period, bringing a swift...
The CDC reported in March of this year that the Midwest now sees higher rates of heroin overdose deaths than any other region of the country. The rate for…
A House bill that would have allowed anyone to possess and administer naloxone, a drug that reverses opiate overdoses was one of the victims of the Senate…
Supporters say a measure to allow more access to an easy-to-use treatment for heroin and other opioid drug overdoses would save lives.The Missouri House…
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has signed a bill that permits police, firefighters and emergency medical technicians to obtain and administer an antidote for…