Board president TOOTIE BURNS and The District's NICKIE DAVIS tell us about the 'art walk', an exciting, ongoing project in Columbia's North Village Arts District! Also, Local Motion chief development officer ANNETTE TRIPLETT is a sustainable transportation advocate, and she practices what she preaches; in fact, she doesn't even own a car! Local Motion was recently awarded a grant from the EPA, so today's topic is all about air pollution. (4:09) August 31, 2022
This summer, Giving Song, LLC, is launching a ukulele band to help veterans cope with PTSD. That's just one of many programs music therapist ELLISA MORRIS tells us about in her first appearance on our show. Making her second appearance, Local Motion (formerly PedNet) chief development officer ANNETTE TRIPLETT talks about the 'CoMo Livable Streets' campaign that launched yesterday and is in need of your help! At the end of today's show, we say a fond farewell to our longtime audio engineer, Aaron Hay. (2:52) July 1, 2022
Hubba, hubba, hubba, who do you trust? According to author and MU Trulaske College of Business professor, JOHN HOWE, it's not who you think- or who 'they' want you to think, and that's something called "authority bias." Also, Columbia's PedNet Coalition is now Local Motion. While the name has changed, the mission has not. Chief development officer ANNETTE TRIPLETT is here to encourage everyone to take part in next week's annual Bike, Walk & Wheel Week! (4:55) May 6, 2022