Women Build 2024 was a huge success: 150 participants, 5 houses, 3 days and countless memories. Show Me Central Habitat for Humanity's director of community outreach, Ashley Switzer, is here with a recap. July 8, 2024
The date is nigh! Show Me Central Habitat for Humanity's Blitz Build 2023 - 4 homes in 10 days - will commence September 18 in north Columbia. ASHLEY SWITZER says volunteer opportunities of all kinds are still available for those interested in getting involved! Also, DAYNA GLANZ tells us about some additional high intensity exercises that work in tandem with OsteoStrong's spectrum machines that you can do at home. (4:23) September 13, 2023
The goal is four *completed* houses in ten days. How does it work and, well, will it work? Show Me Central Habitat for Humanity's ASHLEY SWITZER is back with everything you need to know about Blitz Build 2023! Also, SUZANNE OPPERMAN is here to educate us about the important role Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) play in the health care industry. (3:52) August 22, 2023
Actress KRISTEN COOPER invites everyone to come see the classic, well-known musical 'Guys and Dolls' starting next weekend at Capital City Productions in Jefferson City! CCP executive director EMILIE ROBERTS says this show will also play at their new Lake of the Ozarks theatre. Also, be on the lookout for a group of "blitz builders" in north Columbia this September attempting to build four homes in ten days! Guest: ASHLEY SWITZER, director of community outreach, Show Me Central Habitat for Humanity (4:13) August 2, 2023