Hog farmers are now required to report outbreaks of certain viral diseases that have spread across the country during the past year, according to the U.S.…
It’s about that time of year when hog farmers begin the annual process of pumping a year’s worth of manure out of the pits under their barns. The…
Howard Hill pulls his red Chevy pick-up truck up to a barn near Union, Iowa, that houses 1,000 of his hogs. In the truck’s bed is a 55-pound bag of…
Hog producers and their veterinarians have a new tool to help with the fight against Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV). The first cases of the…
Americans eat millions of pounds of fish and seafood and government figures show that 80 percent of it is imported. But two cousins in Iowa are hoping to…
Hog farmers across the Midwest are battling a new virus this summer. It’s often fatal in very young piglets, and researchers are still trying to explain…
The pork business certainly has its challenges. Hog farmers continually grapple with high feed prices, environmental hiccups and criticism from animal…
There’s more than one way to sell a pig.And when the hog market plunged to 8 cents a pound in 1998, Iowa producer Randy Hilleman decided it was time to…