Voluntary Action Center (VAC) services and program manager Christy Lowe wants everyone watching to consider sponsoring a family this year through VAC's annual holiday program: "we take care of around 1,000 families (in Boone County) every year." November 15, 2024
The Opportunity Campus will operate as a low-barrier homeless shelter and resource center serving the unhoused community.
"We thought we had seen the worst during the pandemic. It has skyrocketed." -- ED STANSBERRY, Voluntary Action Center executive director, on the impact today's economic climate is having on Boone County families and individuals who are at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. Consider sponsoring a family or sponsoring a meal this Christmas by signing up for VAC's annual holiday program. October 21, 2022
We're talking with ROBERT WELLS about some of the upcoming shows slated to take the stage during the 2021-2022 University Concert Series season. "Big Broadway shows are returning!" Also, Voluntary Action Center executive director ED STANSBERRY and holiday program coordinator CHRISTY LOWE are seeking volunteers and sponsors (and more!) as the agency's most popular program, the Holiday Program, gets underway. (2:58) November 12, 2021
OsteoStrong Columbia co-owner CARL GERHARDT tells us about the science behind OsteoStrong's four Spectrum System used to achieve ideal bone strength and…
The monetary goals have been set and the red kettles are out, now it's up to you to dig deep for The Salvation Army, both in Columbia and Jefferson City!…
The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election is now just three weeks away! Stay informed by attending tomorrow's virtual 'Lunch and Learn' featuring Boone County…
As you can probably imagine, the phones at Voluntary Action Center have been ringing non-stop ever since the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a stop…
It's a bit of a process, but Voluntary Action Center is available to help those who are struggling to pay their rent. That program, the rent assistance…
What if you didn't have soap with which to shower? What if you didn't have clean dishes on which to eat? What if you waited to change a diaper because you…