Veronica Mohesky
Across Missouri, small businesses have struggled during the pandemic. Small newspapers are no exception. The Sedalia Democrat, in Pettis County, Mo., has…
Henry Kirklin was a horticulturalist, a gardener, an advocate, the first Black teacher at MU, and was enslaved as a child. Recently the Columbia community…
According to data from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Sexually Transmitted Infection rates in Missouri seem to be decreasing. But…
On Dec. 6, the UM System Board of Curators voted to move forward to study a new indoorfootball facility for MU.The new space would include a full-length…
45th District Missouri House Representative Kip Kendrick is forgoing his final term in office.He ran unopposed for his seat in this year’s election.“This…
The Columbia Public School Board voted Monday night to move all schools online until at least January.The Board voted to have middle schools and high…
We at KBIA have found strength in our community during the COVID crisis. In our series, “Where You’re At,” we’re talking to our family and friends to see…
Early voting, from mail-in to absentee, skyrocketed in Missouri this year.In 2016, 282,150 Missourians voted by absentee ballot. This year, as of October…
Early voting, from mail-in to absentee, skyrocketed in Missouri this year.In 2016, 282,150 Missourians voted by absentee ballot.This year, as of October…
The majority of hunters in the US are men. Kelly Ott of Madison, Missouri wants to change that, by helping more women learn to hunt, fish and hike. KBIA’s…